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Do SARMs Cause Cancer? The Truth Revealed | 2023 Research

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Research suggests that prolonged steroid use may heighten the likelihood of developing cancer, particularly prostate cancer.

However, does this risk extend to the use of SARMs as well?

In this article, we’ll explore whether or not SARMs pose a cancer risk and how they function in the body.

So without further ado, let’s begin.

  • SARMs have shown promise in slowing breast cancer cell growth, with one study indicating a remarkable 90% reduction in tumor growth. Additionally, they demonstrated potential in alleviating cachexia, a common syndrome in cancer patients.
  • While there’s a likelihood that SARMs don’t cause cancer, the lack of sufficient research prevents full confirmation. Additionally, it’s crucial to note that SARMs lack FDA approval and carry potential side effects that require awareness.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided above is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek your physician’s advice or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have seen or read. We bear no responsibility or liability for your use of any compound.

The Truth About SARMs and Cancer

Right now, there isn’t much research showing that SARMs can cause cancer. But surprisingly, some recent studies suggest that SARMs might actually be helpful in treating cancer.

Yes, you’ve read that right!

In the past, scientists tried using steroids to treat breast cancer, but they had too many side effects. So, they started looking into other drugs like SARMs to see if they could work better.

In one study, both Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and SARMs slowed down the growth of breast cancer cells. SARMs were proven to be highly effective, reducing tumor growth by a whopping 90%!

In another study, SARMs were also found to help cancer patients with cachexia, which is a wasting syndrome common in many chronic illnesses including cancer. 

From this, it’s likely that SARMs do not cause cancer; but then again, there isn’t sufficient research to fully confirm this.

It’s also important to note that SARMs are not yet approved by the FDA, and they still have other potential side effects you need to be aware of. 

These potential side effects include sleep disruptions, acne, sexual dysfunction, and testicular shrinkage, with severity varying based on the dosage and the specific SARM being used.

How to Safely Use SARMs?

It’s no secret that taking SARMs carries inherent risks, but to safeguard your health and minimize side effects, it’s crucial to follow strict guidelines.

First on the list is adhering to the recommended dosage.

For newcomers to SARMs, it’s advisable to start with a lower dose than the recommended one to observe how your body reacts to the substance initially. 

If you don’t experience severe side effects, you can gradually increase your intake until reaching the recommended dosage.

However, it’s essential to never exceed the recommended dosage to prevent severe side effects.

The second rule is to buy SARMs from reputable manufacturers.

To avoid low-quality SARMs, don’t forget to do some independent research and opt for brands with ample positive customer reviews such as Enhanced Lab to ensure product quality.

Finally, make sure to stick to your SARMs cycle.

Normally, a cycle lasts 8 to 12 weeks, with breaks in between to let your body recover.

Some people also do post-cycle therapy (PCT), especially if the SARMs they’re using are really strong and can suppress testosterone levels.

Final Thoughts

While current research doesn’t strongly indicate a direct causal relationship between SARMs and cancer, it highlights the necessity for further investigation.

Safety remains crucial in SARMs usage, with emphasis on adhering to recommended dosages, sourcing from reputable manufacturers, and following proper cycles and post-cycle therapy to minimize potential side effects.


Can SARMs cause prostate cancer?

SARMs, designed to partly activate androgen receptors, have shown promise in combating prostate cancer by slowing tumor growth and inhibiting cell division. However, further research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness.

Can SARMs cause breast cancer?

Studies show that SARMs don’t cause breast cancer; instead, they can slow its growth. Particularly in breast cancers with androgen receptors, SARMs have demonstrated anti-cancer effects in lab and animal tests. They can reduce tumor size by over 90% and inhibit genes linked to cancer. Still, more research is needed to confirm their effectiveness.

Can SARMs be used as cancer treatment?

SARMs are being studied in advanced clinical stages as a potential treatment for muscle loss and cancer-related weight loss, known as cachexia. This condition can greatly impact a patient’s well-being, ability to handle chemotherapy, and chances of survival. SARMs have shown promise in boosting muscle mass, enhancing physical abilities, and offering a fresh approach to combating muscle loss and cancer-related weight loss.