This Chemyo review will go through every corner of this store, we’ll examine it thoroughly and you’ll be get access to the biggest Chemyo coupon code available as of 2021. If you’re here just for that, the discount code is sarmguide10.
Chemyo has been around since 2016 and they were one of the first companies to offer purity (HPLC), identity (FTIR) and concentration testing.
Five years ago was a wild time for SARMs, where most companies didn’t even design to attach a certificate of analysis on their website.
Not that a CoA by itself means much (they can easily be faked), but it just goes to show what a wild west it was.

Chemyo set themselves apart right from the get-go and now, five years later, they are one of the best SARMs sources online.
Table of Contents
Chemyo has a very sleek, modern website.
The colors mix nicely and are good on the eyes, text is easy to read and the entire website loads quickly.
The first thing I noticed were the 500+ 5-star reviews mentioned at the top of the website.
I’m very cautious when it comes to important stuff like this and we’ll see a bit later if the reviews are any good.
The links on the website all work as intended and it’s quite easy to navigate.
The fact that they do extensive testing on their products is immediately mentioned on the homepage, which is a good sign.
They have an actual physical address, which is also a giant plus, as you know who you’re ordering from and where their office is located.
Lastly, you can access all of their products with one click of a button, which is quite convenient.
Product Selection
Chemyo boasts a wide selection of products, they even have PEG 400, which surprised me, as not many vendors carry it.
If you didn’t know, this derivative can help you turn powdered SARMs into a solution quite easily, you can read more about this in my SARMs powder article.
Other than that, you’ll find a full list of SARMs (except for Ligandrol, which has been discontinued due to copyright issues) as both a powder and solution.
Moreover, they also carry RU-58841, so if the Norwood Reaper is knocking on your door, you’ll have nothing to worry about.
Last but not least, you’ll even find nootropics such as Noopept (one of the most popular Nootropics these days), Sunifiram, Coluracetam and others.
An honorable mention goes out to their ‘value packs’, which are essentially SARM stacks.
I think this is the first company that understands mixing SARMs and compounds related to them.
So many vendors out there try to peddle you multiple SARMs at once, but that’s quite unsafe, as the Testosterone suppression experienced from mixing multiple SARMs is no joke.
We’ve seen vendors actually claiming that RAD 140 and YK11 are a good stack.
Chemyo does it right as they ensure that each individual SARMs is mixed with the appropriate compound.
For example, they offer a mix of Ostarine and Cardarine, which is perfect for a cut.
I almost forgot to mention their vials, they offer way more bang for your buck, as they contain 50ml per bottle, instead of the usual 30mls.
One bottle of their Ostarine solution lasted me for two months, which would have been impossible with other vendors, so this is a giant plus.
Chemyo doesn’t have many payment options available, but that’s not a concern, since they accept Visa, Mastercard and Bitcoin.
If you’re from the US, you can also pay via eCheck.
Your best option is to pay with Bitcoin, as you get an additional 10% off on your order.
Their prices are quite high compared to other SARM vendors, but there is a big reason for that.
First things first, their vials are 66% bigger (50ml vs 30ml bottles) and their pricing structure accounts for that.
Also, they do so much testing on their SARMs and all their other products, the business simply wouldn’t be sustainable if they didn’t put a higher price tag.
You’ll see what I’m talking about in the next chapter.
Quality Control
Chemyo consistently achieves 99%+ purity on all of their SARMs, which other vendors simply can’t compete with.
They do so through a process called recrystallization.
On one hand, it purifies the product, but leads to less total product being made, which reduces overall profit.
That’s just one of the reasons why Chemyo is a bit more expensive when compared to other vendors.
That shouldn’t concern you, as you actually get what you pay for, without any risks.
I would gladly shell out a bit more cash to know what I’m getting, especially when it comes to SARMs, where statistics show that nearly half of what people are consuming aren’t SARMs at all.
Disingenuous vendors will mix prohormones, steroids and other harmful chemicals with SARMs, just to boost their profit margins.
As a matter of fact, most SARM stores don’t care about your health or future, they are only concerned with making the most sales (and profit) as humanly possible.
That is not the case with Chemyo, where they do everything in their power to keep products clean and pure.
Don’t take my word for it, pick any of their SARMs and head over to the ‘Lab Reports’ tab, you will see records just a few days old, dating back as far as 2016.
Most SARM vendors attach one or two lab reports that were made who knows where and are outdated, as a clever ploy to lure in customers.
The people behind Chemyo revel in the fact that they work with S&N labs, a research facility based in California.
The lab has an actual website, real people behind it, and the CEO of the organisation is a prominent figure in the fields of pharmacology and biochemistry.
Also, looking at their lab reports, it’s very clear how much time and effort goes into their tests.
They don’t just slap a purity percentage on a piece of paper, instead, they show FTIR and HPLC data in a very elaborate fashion.
I have tested hundreds of SARM vendors in the six years of my research and I have never seen anything like this.
Chemyo is by far the most trustable source of SARMs I have ever stumbled upon.
Not only that, but they replicate tests multiple times to ensure the numbers shown on the lab reports are actually factual.
Lastly, every order comes with a batch code, and you can match your code to the one on their website, examining the exact purity of your product.
There is nothing more to say about their quality control, they pass the test with flying colors.
Shipping And Returns
Minor details such as packaging and storage are often overlooked by inexperienced SARM vendors.
Chemyo ensures that every package is tightly sealed to prevent leakage or evaporation.
Every bottle comes with a tamper-proof seal, ensuring maximum shelf time and safe transit.
You also get a free 1ml dropper with every purchase.
I have tested it out myself and it’s extremely accurate (up to 0,01mls).
Chemyo boasts same-day shipping and offers free shipping for any order above 100$ if you’re from the US.
One value pack will get you there and it’s the best option out there if you’re from the US.
They also ship internationally, but you have to amass a total of 275$ in store goods in order to get free shipping.
Moreover, they also deliver to P.O. boxes and military addresses, so even if you’re on active duty, there is nothing to worry about.
From what I gathered, most orders from the US will take around three days to arrive at your doorstep.
I’ve ordered from Australia and had to wait for two weeks, but they provide tracking info with every package so I was never anxious about the package not arriving.
The best thing of all, even if customs were to stop your package from being delivered, Chemyo has a delivery guarantee, which means you’ll get your money back or store credit, it’s entirely up to you.
That is quite rare in the world of SARMs and it shows how in touch and congenial the company is with its customers.
Chemyo handles all other refunds on an individual basis.
For example, if you’ve already ordered, and they have shipped out your product, but you changed your mind and don’t want the product(s), you will most likely not get a refund.
That is standard industry practice and shouldn’t concern you.
In the end, it’s a business and they have to stay afloat somehow.
Customer Reviews Online
What really surprised me about Chemyo was how active they are on places like Reddit.
Reddit users are known to be quite critical of companies, but Chemyo seems to enjoy a stellar reputation on the site.
They solve disputes, answer questions, help out in the community and sometimes, they even provide users with coupon codes.
Don’t worry, you won’t have to sign up to Reddit to enjoy a permanent 10% off on all purchases, just scroll down to the appropriate section and the code is yours!
Their TrustPilot page is in very good standing, where they have a 4,4 out of 5 rating.
All this leads me to believe that their claim of having 500+ 5-star reviews is legitimate.
I mean, you can find them on their website, but that doesn’t mean much, since it’s so easy to fake.
I personally think a reputable company such as Chemyo wouldn’t bother with fake reviews; they have so many positive recommendations that it’s simply not worth it.
Customer Support
Chemyo is quite active on Facebook (Chemyo Research) and they usually reply in a few minutes or in the worst case scenario, in a couple of hours.
If you don’t prefer signing up for Facebook, they have a form on their website which you can fill out or you can contact them via email.
Even better would be to get in touch directly by calling them on the phone, you’ll find their phone number at the bottom right corner of their website.
The latter was the first thing I did, I didn’t have to wait very long before they actually let me talk to a real human being.
I asked a few questions, pretended to be a complete newbie and was positively shocked by how understanding and willing to help they were.
The customer representative on the phone didn’t seem to show any signs of impatience when I asked them what Ostarine was or if their Ibutamoren is a SARM.
That’s a great sign, as they are willing to accommodate almost any type of customer.
I also emailed them, showed them my website and asked for a coupon code for my loyal readers and myself.
The results are shown below.
Chemyo Coupon Code
Chemyo has gifted me a special coupon code that I’ll share with you guys.
Just use the coupon code ‘sarmguide10’ before checking out for a permanent 10% off on all your orders.
It never expires and you can use it as much as you like!
The only other company matching Chemyo when it comes to quality and reliability would be
They are a bit more budget-friendly but do less testing on their products.
All in all, this Chemyo review has shown you everything you need to know about the company.
Chemyo definitely gets my vote of confidence, as they have excellent quality control, great customer service, an approachable brand, excellent reviews…
I’ve shopped there for nearly two years, never had a problem and neither will you!