You’ve had your first couple of cycles, got some great results and now you’re wondering what it would be like to try some stacks with YK11.

Before you even consider YK11 stacks, it’s important you remember that YK11 is a very strong compound and that you can get amazing results by just using it on its own.
Today, I’ll show you four of my favorite stacks with YK11; three of them will be really safe, the last one is a bit more for the experimental type and carries some risk but promises astonishing results.
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat is YK11
YK11 is the most unique SARM out there because it’s both touted as a SARM and a steroid.
In reality, it’s a hybrid, stronger than most SARMs but not as potent or destructive as real steroids.
Its function in the body is to inhibit myostatin, which is a protein that stops muscle growth.
Have you ever wondered why gorillas have such strong, developed muscles without ever lifting in their lives? A healthy dose of follistatin (an antagonist to myostatin) and lack of myostatin to begin with is the answer.
If you want to learn more about YK11 and its effects on the human body, consider reading my full YK11 review.
Before You Start
Prior to diving head first into your YK11 stack, it’s important to consider the following three guidelines before starting.
1. Blood Work
It’s very important that you get blood work done before and after your cycle.
Your blood markers are the best indicator telling you what exactly is happening to your body while exposed to exogenous substances.
Nothing can or ever will replace blood work, so please get it done for your own peace of mind.
2. Don’t Stack YK11 With Suppressive SARMs
I’ve seen some websites (and vendors) promoting stacks with YK11 containing very suppressive SARMs such as Ligandrol, Testolone or even S23.
Stacking YK11 with those SARMs is a very bad idea since it would cause heavy suppression within just a few weeks, that is if you’re lucky.
If lady fortune wasn’t on your side, you would experience a complete Testosterone shutdown and would be in more than you bargained for.
To keep it as safe as possible, the only SARM I would ever stack YK11 with is Ostarine (the fourth ‘experimental’ option you’ll see below) and even that is considered pushing the limits.
3. PCT Is Non-Negotiable
YK11 is so strong that it warrants a PCT even when used alone, much less when stacked with other compounds that potentially affect the endocrine system.
Personally speaking, I’m not a big fan of PCT, it has its downsides but when you’re considering YK11 in your stack, you absolutely can’t skip out on it.
I’ve seen bodybuilders that have tried and let’s just say that they had a hell of a time, in a negative sense.
Four YK11 Stacks And Results You Can Expect
Now that we got the introduction and warnings out of the way, it’s finally time to introduce the four YK11 stacks I’ve talked about before!
Each stack will feature a table that will tell you what and how to use.
We’ll stick to eight week cycles as those have been proven to yield the best results while being the least taxing on the body.
Prolonging your cycles leads to a point of diminishing returns, so it’s not recommended and going for less than eight weeks is just not worth it.
1. YK11 Bulking Stack (YK11 + MK677)
Week | YK11 | MK677 | PCT (Nolvadex) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 25mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | 25mgs per day | 40mgs per day |
10-12 | / | 25mgs per day | 20mgs per day |
Some may question the inclusion of MK-677 in weeks eight to twelve but it’s actually been proven that MK-677 can act as a PCT, so it helps Nolvadex smooth out the post-cycle period.
This is by far the safest YK11 stack I have in store for you and it brings great results.
Ensure that you’re in a caloric surplus (at least 500 calories more than your maintenance) and that you’re training properly.
You can expect to gain around ten to fifteen pounds of muscle in just eight weeks. Some of the weight you gain will be due to water retention from MK-677 but it isn’t going to be anything serious.
Your strength will also experience a giant spike, it isn’t too unusual to break your personal bests while on this stack, especially since you’re gaining mass.
Your recovery times will also be positively affected and many people report feeling fresh and ready to go at it again while on this stack.
Let’s not forget the awesome pump you will experience while training, that can be attributed to YK11 and you’ll feel like a monster in the gym.
Last but not least, you will sleep better and you won’t have to worry about any hair shedding, as MK-677 will protect your hair follicles and ensure that you sleep like a baby.
2. YK11 Cutting Stack (YK11 + Cardarine)
Week | YK11 | Cardarine | Nolvadex (PCT) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 10mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | / | 40mgs per day |
10-12 | / | / | 20mgs per day |
If you want to cut down your body fat and become leaner, this is the stack for you.
As always, ensure that you’re in a caloric deficit (at least 500 calories below maintenance) and that you have a good workout routine going on.
Since you’re adding Cardarine to this stack, one of the best endurance enhancers on the planet, you’ll be losing fat and weight while adding muscle.
We’re using the safest and most effective dosages of both YK11 and Cardarine; it isn’t uncommon to end up losing up to 8% of your total body fat while on this stack.
Yes, 1% body fat per week sounds crazy but it is achievable provided you have good genetics and are following the protocol above.
The most noticeable areas where you’ll notice improvement with this YK11 stack is your chest, arms, torso and back.
Since Cardarine enhances stamina so well, don’t be scared to run the extra mile to cut even more fat from your body.
3. YK11 Recomp Stack (YK11 + Stenabolic)
Week | YK11 | Stenabolic | Nolvadex (PCT) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 30mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | / | 40mgs per day |
10-12 | / | / | 20mgs per day |
Some may be surprised at the large amount of Stenabolic that we’re using in this stack.
However, what has to be noted is the fact that we’re splitting the dosage of Stenabolic into three parts, due to its low half-life of just four hours.
This means that you’ll be taking Stenabolic three times a day in 10mg increments.
The best way to approach this stack would be to imbue your first dose of Stenabolic along with YK11 when you wake up and take the next two dosages until no later than 5pm.
Reason being the increased wakefulness some users report while using Stenabolic; this side effect has also been extensively studied on rats, so you should take it seriously.
While some may draw similarities to the stack we covered above, with Stenabolic added to the fray, you’ll be able to completely recomp your body in just eight weeks!
YK11 will ensure that you add muscle mass, even though you’ll likely be in a caloric deficit, while Stenabolic is there to reinforce fat loss.
Don’t get me wrong, using Stenabolic won’t make you lose fat on its own but with it, you’ll be given the tools to much easier shed the extra fat around your belly and waist.
4. YK11 Shred Stack (YK11 + Ostarine)
Week | YK11 | Ostarine | Clomid (PCT) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 10mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | / | 25mgs per day |
Note that this stack uses Clomid as PCT, it’s a lot stronger than Nolvadex and carries more risk of side effects but it is absolutely necessary considering we’re mixing two suppressive SARMs.
Ostarine might be described as ‘mild’ by many but those who have actually tried it out can attest that there is nothing mild about it. You can still experience suppression and still have the typical side effects associated with SARMs while using Ostarine.
This stack is only for those bodybuilders that want to push their bodies to the absolute limits.
Yes, we’re only using 10mgs of Ostarine and YK11 per day but still, as previously mentioned, it’s not recommended to downplay any of these two compounds.
Be very careful while on this stack, do your blood tests, eat clean and note how you feel.
If at any point during the eight weeks, you start feeling medium or even heavy suppression, it’s best to halve your dosages or in the worst case scenario, stop the cycle altogether.
Now that we’re aware of the dangers, let’s see what kind of results we can get with such a stack.
First of all, if you’re using this, you’ll get absolutely shredded. Your pump is going to be crazy at the gym and it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll beat your personal records.
You will feel more energetic, dominant and aggressive which will lead to killer workouts that will transform your body very quickly.
I have heard of bodybuilders gaining 14 to 16 pounds of pure muscle in just eight weeks while on this stack, all while losing 5-6% of their body fat.
It’s absolutely insane what you can achieve when you mix these two SARMs together, however, as mentioned in the beginning, not everything is rainbows and sunshine.
Speaking of which, let’s look at the side effects of YK11 stacks.
YK11 Stacks Side Effects
There are a couple of side effects associated with YK11 stacks but most users don’t get affected and those that do handle them pretty well.
Despite that, it’s still good to know what can happen while on a YK11 stack.
There is a very thin line between male dominance and aggression.
However, if you’re noticing that you’re getting into constant conflict with the people around you ever since you started your YK11 stack, it could very well be the compounds you’re using.
A bit of aggression is good, it’s even welcomed in the gym and needed to get a good pump going but as mentioned, if you start seeing red everywhere you go, it might be time to start thinking about the negative consequences of your YK11 usage.
Hair Shedding
It’s not unusual to lose a bit of hair while on YK11, some people believe you’ll go bald, others are saying there won’t be any hair loss.
From my experience, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Yes, you’ll most likely lose some hair while on a YK11 stack but as soon as you stop using the compounds, it will grow right back.
The damage to your hair follicles isn’t permanent and there is nothing much to worry about.
Liver Toxicity
YK11 is methylated, which means it can elevate your liver enzymes to dangerous levels, although that is very unlikely to happen.
Whenever I take YK11 or similar compounds that raise liver enzymes, I make sure to take liver support such as milk thistle or TUDCA.
If you want to be 100% sure that nothing bad is happening to your liver, I recommend doing a hepatic panel before and after your YK11 stack.
Increased Hunger
This is mostly a side effect of MK-677, which can even be beneficial during a bulk, especially if you’re someone that doesn’t put on weight easily.
If this side effect does bother you for some reason, take MK-677 before bed, you’ll be fast asleep before the hunger pangs hit you.
Some people have reported insomnia and excessive energy during night while taking Stenabolic.
That’s why it’s never recommended to take it before sleep or at night, as it could cause sleep issues.
Where to Buy SARMs
Now that you’re acquainted with all the best YK11 stacks, you’re probably asking yourself: Where the hell do I buy YK11 and all the other SARMs and compounds related to SARMs mentioned in this article?
To tell you the truth, you can’t just stroll into Walmart and get yourself some YK11.
Unfortunately, SARMs are still quite new to the market and haven’t been tested enough to be approved for human consumption.
That’s why the only reliable place to get them is online but you can already imagine the problem with that; disingenuous vendors, underdosed, impure, badly packaged SARMs and a whole host of other problems.
I have independently tested more than one-hundred SARMs vendors while doing my own research and can safely claim that most of what’s being marketed is straight up bogus.
To get real, pure, effective and safe SARMs, visit my list of recommended companies.
There are only a couple of companies there but their SARMs are straight up the best on the market!
YK11 is not a compound you want to play with.
If you’re still new to the SARMs scene, start with something milder and more tested, like Ostarine.
If you’re hellbent on going with YK11 stacks, ensure that you’re as safe as you can be by doing regular blood tests and taking care of your body.