Do SARMs Shrink Testicular Size?

This is a common question among new SARM users, and understandably so. With an increasing number of bodybuilders trying SARMs, concerns about their safety, particularly their impact on testicle size, have surfaced. Marketed and used as cutting-edge performance enhancers, these compounds raise further questions that need addressing.

Today we explore worries about SARMs, explaining how they work and their effects on the body, including whether they make testicles smaller. 


  • SARMs target androgen receptors in muscles, bones, and fat, potentially boosting muscle size and strength but also altering natural hormone levels like testosterone.
  • Anecdotal evidence on SARM usage shows differing experiences with testicular shrinkage, emphasizing the importance of considering factors like specific SARM, dosage, and duration for assessing safety.
  • Ostarine, the mildest SARM available, is a top choice for minimizing side effects, including the risk of testicular shrinkage.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided above is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek your physician’s advice or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have seen or read.We bear no responsibility or liability for your use of any compound.

An Overview on SARMs

Before we address testicular shrinkage, let’s provide some context by explaining what SARMs are and how they work.

SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are a type of therapeutic compound similar to the effects of anabolic steroids but are less suppressive and harmful. They work in the body by selectively attaching to androgen receptors present in various tissues such as muscles, bones, and fat.
While this targeted approach is known to potentially increase muscle size and strength, it can also suppress the body’s natural hormone production, such as testosterone, raising concerns about testicular health and function.

BONUS FACTS: The main difference between SARMs and steroids is that steroids tend to trigger the production and conversion of DHT, which then binds more strongly to your androgen receptors, overpowering testosterone. As proven, high DHT levels lead to issues with prostate health, hair loss, and acne. On the other hand, SARMs don’t cause this reaction because they are ’tissue selective’ and targeted in nature, leaving other areas unaffected.

The Truth About SARMs and Testicular Shrinkage

So the question is, if steroids can cause this, then what about SARMs?

Testicular shrinkage, or testicular atrophy, occurs when the testes decrease in size due to lower testosterone levels. This can happen when the body stops producing testosterone because it relies on external compounds.

What about SARMs?

As you may know, research on SARMs is still in its early stages compared to studies on anabolic steroids, so there’s not much data to confirm this completely. Other than in one study being published by the International Journal of Impotence Research showing data that half of SARMs users experience acne, mood swings and unfortunately testicular shrinkage. Despite this “More than 90% of men reported increased muscle mass and were satisfied with their SARMs usage” .

Having said this, it’s important to remember that personal experiences can differ widely and might not always reflect the overall safety of these substances.

Also, the degree of the effect of SARMs seems to vary in general.

It is heavily based on the following:

  • Specific SARM used
  • Dosage and Administration 
  • PCT 
  • Length of cycle 

How to Avoid Shrinking Balls While Using SARMs

If you’re contemplating or presently using SARMs, it’s a must to take proactive measures to minimize the chances of encountering testicular shrinkage:

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

After completing a cycle of SARMs, undergoing a proper PCT regimen is necessary. This practice aids in restoring natural hormone levels and mitigating potential side effects, such as testicular atrophy.

Dosage and Duration Management

Always follow the recommended dosages and cycle durations. Exceeding prescribed limits can be tempting, but it can potentially cause more adverse effects aside from testicular shrinkage.

Regular Monitoring

Periodic health assessments and hormone level evaluations enable the early detection and management of any deviations from the norm. By keeping an eye on your health, you can promptly address any emerging issues and mitigate potential risks associated with SARM usage.

Go for Milder SARMs

Some SARMs pose a higher risk of impacting testes and sperm production compared to others. Thankfully, there are gentler options available. Ostarine, for example, is considered one of the mildest SARMs and has not been associated with testicular atrophy. If any impact does occur, it tends to be short-lived, with a faster recovery period.

Final Thoughts

While scientific research on SARMs is still evolving and anecdotal evidence varies, it remains crucial to approach SARMs usage with caution to avoid testicular shrinkage.

Honestly, there isn’t enough evidence to say how SARMs affect fertility, libido, sperm count, and testicle size. Right now, it’s mostly stories and guesses. But let’s keep looking into it to see what we find out.

Make sure you follow the recommended dosage, plan out a PCT, and monitor your health during your cycle.



Can Ostarine cause testicular atrophy?

While ostarine is generally considered to have a lower risk of causing testicular atrophy compared to anabolic steroids, some users have reported a decrease in testicular size while using the compound. In one study, it was found that 22% of ostarine users self-reported a decrease in testicular size.

Do SARMs cause testosterone to shut down?

SARMS have the potential to abruptly and entirely suppress your natural testosterone production. While they may help you gain muscle mass, it’s possible that it could lead to smaller testicles and a diminished sex drive.

Do SARMs cause gyno?

Numerous patients turn to SARMS instead of anabolic steroids, believing them to be a safer option. However, SARMS come with various potential side effects as well, such as the development of gynecomastia, liver damage, decreased libido, and suppression of natural testosterone production.

What are SARMs side effects to look out for?

Some potential side effects include testosterone suppression, liver toxicity, cardiovascular risks, and potential hair loss. However, it’s crucial to consider other factors such as dosage, duration of use, individual response, and product quality, which can influence the occurrence and severity of these side effects.

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